Stanyan Books

Stanyan Books (Los Angeles, US) & Random House (New York, US)
Series dates: 1970-1973
Size: 4.75 x 7.75

stanyan_logoAn odd series of at least 40 cheesy 1970s short titles, reprints, compilations, comics, short stories, etc. aimed at the gift book market. Stanyan Books was part of a group of small publishing imprints and record labels run by poet Rod McKuen. Random House is listed as a co-publisher of this series.

The Wit and Wisdom of Oscar Wilde has a 1970 date. The series is numbered, and this title is #20. A summary of the title is on the front of the jacket. The price is $3.


The back of the jacket repeats the design from the front and the rear flap lists titles in the series.


Bound in boards printed with a repeating pattern of the Stanyan Books logo. Random House and Stanyan Books are indicated as publishers on the book spine.


The design of the jacket continues to the title page.


The copyright page.

