Broadway Oriental Library

Routledge & Sons (Routledge, Kegan & Paul) (London, UK)
Series dates: 1930-1932
Size: 6″ x 9″

E.P. Dutton (New York, US)
Series dates: 1930-1932
Size: 6″ x 9″

Update 6/14/2024

Of the various Routledge “Broadway” series, the Broadway Oriental Library had the fewest titles, was not advertised (that I can find), and consisted entirely of scholarly tomes published for the first time in the series (thus not reprints). The series, edited by Clement Egerton, issued two titles in 1930 and two in 1932. Dutton published the four titles in the US.

The four titles in the series include:

Published in 1930 (Routledge & Dutton)

I.B. Horner, Women Under Primitive Buddhism: Laywomen and Almswomen (reprint Routledge 1969, 1975)

Johann Jakob Meyer, Sexual Life in Ancient India: A Study in the Comparative History of Indian Culture

Published in 1932 (Routledge & Dutton)

Leonard Shih-lien Hsü, The Political Philosophy of Confucianism; An Interpretation of the Social and Political Ideas of Confucius, his Forerunners, and his Early Disciples

Marcel Granet & E.D Edwards, Festivals and Songs of Ancient China

Several Routledge series share the Broadway moniker, named after Broadway House (the long-time headquarters of Routledge in London):

Jackets for the series are plain and stern in design, as on this copy of Hsu’s Political Philosophy of Confucianism (1932). The spine includes the title, author, price (12d 6s net), and publisher. The jacket front includes the full title, author, and a blurb about the book. The series name and editor are also included. The front jacket flap is blank.

The rear of the jacket advertises “Recent Books on Oriental History,” published by Routledge. It’s unclear why certain Routledge “Oriental” titles were placed in the Broadway Oriental Library (and many others were not).

Sturdy cloth binding with gold typography and minimal decorations:

Blank endpapers

The half-title page with the series name, editor, and book title:

The four titles published in the series are listed on the reverse of the half-title page:

The title page and facing illustration.

“Printed in Great Britain by Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd., Hertford”
